Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some violence in Africa

-Koala Idrisse
-Komondi Ismaël
-Ouédraogo Inoussa
-Sawadogo Robert
-Sawadogo Ismael
-Sawadogo soumaila

Topic: Some violence in Africa


Violence is the fact of using force against someone or something. The use of terror is the fact of obliging someone against this will, what is opposed to sweltness.Everything bad goes against harmony.

The main example can be the war against.Nowadays, violence is used as the main mean to resolv problem, crisis.

In our topic we will examine firstly the differents aspects of violence. Secondly we will give the causes of violence in Africa. Thirdly we will give the consequences of this problem. To finish we shall find some solution to resolve this phenomena.


A-Physical violence

Military coups, strike, hijacking, assasination

B-Violence on nature

Human need feed themselves, kill animals, cut trees. This violence is a necessity. It’s a law of nature itself. The strongest must kill the smallest and the wickest survives.

C-Violence in nature

It’s natural phenomena. It’s not done by a man action: earthquake, volcanoes, cyclons, droughts, floods.

D-Moral and psychology violence

Radical segregation or discrimination, social prejudice, bet, indifference to the suffering of overs persecution.


The violence in Africa has many reasons:
A-Social causes

On the land we can speak of the social class in other words the social exclusion: In Africa; the villages, people are disposed in persons who must be respect by other persons who are not respect. Naturally if you are among the people who don’t respect, you will want a changement and you will use probably the violence.

The violence can be also explained by the back of apologize. The violence is dictated by the revenging and an autodefense.

So parents have a part of responsibility in the violence in Africa. The parents don’t educate well their children.

The child is such as white paper where the owners write what he wants, that is to say the child will become violent and wicked if during his childhood his parents beat illtreated and didn’t listen,understood,don’t illtreat,if the society and the child parents are kind with him he will be gently when he become strong .
B-Economic causes

The poverty is main explaining of violence in Africa; for example in South Africa, the percentage of young graduates who have not working 60%.

To be poor in rich country give look forward to have easy life .For this to return toward the murder.

The professional criminality, networks which have many ramifications. Those network have such work to kill or illtreat persons if we payed them. The increasingly percentage of criminality of violence with arms can be explain by small arms merchants. In Africa violence increase because in this country the sharing of money is very unqual.We can remark that it is in the countries were there is the petrol take place that violence. In other words the petrol and other mineral resources are causes of violence in Africa.

C-Political causes

On the hand we can speak of bad governance’s greed and pursuit of personal ambitions, politicisation of army ideological motives.

In Africa the politic is used badly .In Africa there are many hold up. The up is a taking of president with violence, often the president and all his collaborates are killed. This is cause of civil war. The election in Africa isn’t clear.

In one hundred elections in this country, 60 aren’t clear; the real democracy doesn’t exist in Africa. The population is forced to vote for the person who doesn’t agree with .It’s corruption.

Some of countries for destroy themselves; the president take advantages of richess of other countries and that can provoke war.


A-Social consequences
The violence in Africa creed many millions death, bless, orphans and widows. The war reeds the fall of percentage, of birthrade, the ageing of population, so the declining of country.
People are killed from time on time. Women and girls are rapes and beat; to infect them by AIDS and other deseases.The children see the maughty things that they must not see and they become confused. The lose confidence of the life. The children can’t learn the love. The member of same family can be dissociate because the were constraint to move. The population becomes refuges .Life, pectancy decrease, and infant mortality increase. The people are psychological disturb. The violence in Africa cause the hunger, this problem stop the social developpement of population.
It increases the unemployment persons.

B-Economic consequences
Violence in Africa has many consequences on economic plan.So, the cross national comparison become inferior in comparison to the continents where there isn’t violence. It also Morse back to economic developpement because the workers are afraid. They can’t go normally at work, they have fear to be killed or to be illtread.the government use money of budget for feed the soldier and to by many arms. The PIB decrease. It uses lot of money to repearthe domages after the war, for example the war stops the foreign investments. The war cause many big dethronements and thefts; all that cause the economic crisis, so the country economic declining.

C-Political consequences
The first political consequence of violence in Africa is a political instability, hold-up(military coup) breeds an other hold-up. The violence creates many constrasts.The violence been practise in political. It is the population who are first victims. For example in Côte Ivoire the last coup was the principal massacre of citizens: It brings revolution in a country, it permits poverty in a country, it brings startives, it puts some countries sut of international community, and it increases the unemployment persons.

Non-violence is opposed to violence: It’s passive resistant as a matter of problem. It’s also a very powerful against violence, but it is difficult to use because it needs certain qualities: courage, merci, determination, patience, strong character self control. Some measure can be doing to stop violence.

A-Social plan
The weapons used by non-violence are: dialogue, pueful discussion, negotiation to show the opened that is wrong, tolerance, parents should provide a good education to their children and parents, focus (center) on moral and civics education at school, trust young people, sensitize the young on advantage of non-violence, promote education and manual activies, the children mustn’t do their parents don’t want. Children reproach their parents with not to know their problems and their motivation, not to be patient, to be too demanding.

B-Economic solutions
The Africans governing must do many investments to resolve on part of violence in Africa. They must create some small and medium size enterprises (PME) build some leisure centers and develop youth organizaten.They must reduct the percentage of young people who have not job. Is that to say to fight poverty, the main cause of violence. They must repar the problem of the unequal sharing of money in Africa, to organize the petrol industries money is the sivew of war.

C-Political solutions
Every man is the architect of his own fate, where there is a will there is a way .Is that to say that at first Africans governing can stop violence if they want it. They must:
-Stop bad governance
-Stop politicisation of army
-Use real democracy, is that to say stop coups which a new word in Africa isn’t because:
-It is frequent, to respect the democracy values
-Creed respect between the Africans countries
-Stop corruption themselves in first and punish the trainted.The people must vote the competent persons such as a president for their country because when the violence is practice on a political plan they are the first victims.

We can tell that violence in Africa has many varieties. It has many causes whom pull many consequences .according to we, we can fight violence in Africa by the best organization on the political, social and economic plan.

1 comment:

  1. - Sources are not mentioned
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