Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Generation Gap

English expose
Theme: Generation Gap









Ouedraogo Adama

Sawadogo N Aimée

Sedogo Arnold Thierry

Sawadogo Ivette

Tapsoba Faouzia

Kabore P Gilles

Compaore Anicet


Long before the penetration of the white man in Africa, generation gap was quite inexist;

the older men were reference of the young.

But since the penetration of other civilisation in Africa ( the white men's)different kind of seeing things and events,different kind of dressing,eating in one word different kind of behaving appeared hence generation gap.


The generation gaps is conflict that exists between two different generations.Generally it is the lack of argreement between the young generation and the old one.


African tradition became old-fashion compared with the teaching of the new comers

All these facts illustrates the knot of the actual crisis in African sociaties. The main causes may be the colonisation which brougth schools misssionaries in Africa.

-Schools: The white man taught his mauners to Africain children. Keading, writing, expression behaving even The sanitary hygien. Thus, these school children grew up whith another mind very different from their native one.

-Missionaries:there are also one of the causes of the conflict. They up taught our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters (every body) to give up their sacrifices and all their felishes jus to accept JESUS the saviour of the believers. Here again, there is an attempt to clean our minds of our old creedsn, beliefs in Africain spirits.

there are also other causes such as: mariages.

Nowdays, the young men aren't fitted to traditional Africain mariage. We can see it in the novel of Seydou Badjan entitle "sous l'orage".

III- Consequences

The generation gap has several consequences,some are ever crucial. The conflict if it is only in a family can generate an irreversible break of this one. We can enumerate:

- Young (men) cursed by old men

- Young banishment by old men

In the social plan, the consequences are very disatrous:

- Solidarity disappear for the benefit of individu alism

- Tradition disappear

IV- Solutions

Generation gap can be remedied by sensibilisation of young men and old men. Young men must not give up tradition and old men must also change their minds. We can also introduce our civilisation in the school system

V- Conclusion

If only young know,

If only age could..... (Henri Estienne)

It means that young men are strong, but not wise, whereas old people are wise but not strong.

The ideal is that young men and old men put together their values. At this moment, conflicts may disappear, and both generations would live in harmony. Young men have to tolerate older people behaviours, and vice-versa. Tolerance is the only way towards reconcilisation.

1 comment:

  1. - What are the sources of your work?
    - Build correct paragraphs respecting paragraph building techniques
    - If you do not the exact translation of a quotation, paraphrase it
    - Refusal to follow the instructions given to you.

    MARK: 11/20
