Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Captaine Thomas Sankara


TOPIC : The Captaine Thomas Sankara














I. Introduction

Thomas Sankara Burkinabe political great man made these revolutionists who fought for the unit and economic, mental independence of the Africans with respect to the Westerners also of the international institution like the IMF or the World Bank. Its combat was to have free and worthy Africa.

II. Biography

Resulting from a catholic family, Thomas Sankara was a “Peul-Mossi”. Born in 1949, the young captain arrived at the capacity on August 4, 1983. His/her father was old .com beating and prisoner of war of the Second world war. He made his secondary studies with the College Ouézin Coulibaly de Sore-Dioulasso, second city of the country. He followed a training of officer to Madagascar and became in 1976 commander of the center of Po commando. The same year, it becomes acquainted with Blaise Compaoré with whom it will form the Regrouping of the communist officers (ROCK) whose other most known members are Henri Zongo and Jean-Baptiste Boukary Lingani. In September 1981, he becomes Secretary of State to information in the government of Colonel Saye Zerbo. He will resign on April 21, 1982, informant “Misfortune with those which muzzle the people! ” On November 7, 1982, a new coup d'etat carried to the capacity the army medical officer Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo. Sankara became Prime Minister in January 1983, but was dismissed and shut down on May 17, after a visit of Guy Penne, adviser of François Mitterrand. A new coup d'etat, on August 4, 1983 places Thomas Sankara at the presidency. It defines its program as anti-impérialiste, in particular in its “Speech of political orientation”, written by Valère Somé. Its government withdrew with the traditional chiefs the feudal capacities which they continued to exert. It created CDR (Defense committees of the revolution), which tended however to behave in revolutionary militia sometimes making reign a terror not very in conformity with the objectives of fight against corruption. On October 15, 1987, Thomas Sankara was assassinated at the time of a coup d'etat organized by that which was regarded as his/her brother, Blaise Compaoré. Several days later, he was declared “deceased natural death” by an army medical officer. The absence of any lawsuit or any investigation on behalf of the Burkinabe government was condemned in 2006 by the Committee of the human rights of the United Nations. Since December 28, 2005, an avenue of Ouagadougou bears its name, within the more general framework of a process of rehabilitation issued in 2000 but blocked since then.

III. His combat

Thomas Sankara is the inventor of an original revolution which will have marked the history. With the head of Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries of the world, the young captain dared to speak about authentic values, to fight corruption with the national plan, to refuse loans of the World Bank, to qualify practical unquestionable imperialists in the North-South relations. All its philosophy and its strategy were summarized with a value: the fatherland or death. Twenty (20) years after his death, Thomas Sankara is always in the hearts. Elegant and eloquent, it will have marked its generation by its audacity. As of its takeover, it decides to decolonize mentalities by giving up the name the Upper Volta of the colonizer for another more original, Burkina Faso. A combination of mooré and dioula meaning the country of the just Men. “One does not decide to become Head of the State, one decides to finish some with such or such form of brimade, of exploitation, it is all. To live African to live free and worthy”, said it. For him, the Africans must release themselves completely from the Western yoke by ensuring a vision specific to them. He and his/her comrades in arms Henri Zongo, Boukary Jean-Baptiste Lingani, Blaise Compaoré… want through a revolution, to give again a chance with their country classified among poorest in the world. They set up of the defense committees of the Revolution. They speak about democratic centralism, working mass, class struggle. The young soldiers draw their vocabulary and solutions at Marx, Lénine, Mao, Guévara. In the library of Sankara, there was all traditional Marxism-Leninism and the young captain recognizes “that it drank any Lénine”, testifies Sennen Andriamirado in “Sankara the Rebel”. For “Thom Sank”, a soldier without political training and ideological is a criminal in power. The populations, they also, are invited to take their destiny in hand while being implied in the projects and programs

IV. The assassination of Thomas Sankara

In the implementation of his development program, the young captain fights against all the forms of wasting and corruption. He already gave the example by transferring his allowances of mission after a Libyan stay whereas he was still Prime Minister. He went to its first Council of Ministers in 1981 at the time in the bicycle. Once president, it will roll in Renault 5. Thomas Sankara also created the radio on line with the CPS, during which every Tuesday evening, the populations can challenge the ministers, officers personally… He promises to drive out administration and army the “civils servant rotted”. The Burkinabe will retain also him to them popular Tribunaux of the Revolution (TPR) where the former leaders had to be explained on their former management. The revolutionist refused loans of the World Bank to finance “projects which its country did not choose”. Speaking about the debt of Burkina, Thom Sank required of the countries South at the time of its speech at the OAU in 1987, to make face not to refund it. “If Burkina Faso all alone refuses to pay the debt, I will not be there with the next conference”. Two months and half after this speech, he dies on October 15 of the same year. Sankara knew that it disturbed. “We are clearly aware that we disturb. The question is to know which we disturb: the minority or majority”? Sankara was perceived as that which wanted to make perpetuate a new order other than that which prevailed in West Africa. It is shown to be inspired per moments by the “green Book” by Khadafi, whereas Sankara said to the Libyan president that “your experiment interests us but we want to live ours”, brings back Sennen. Thom Sank had difficult relations with some of its neighbors. Always it is that a long time, will continue the writer, the blow of the plot of a coup d'etat fomented by the Ebrié lagoon makes noise with Ouagadougou. In 1985 bursts “the second war of the poor” between Burkina Faso and Mali following a di phrases: “Sankara speaks one can too much”. Sometimes misunderstood by some of its close relations and also by other Heads of State, Thom wanted 0the ardour and of quickly and well to make. It sank without respite. Sight all its ideas that he had undertaken he disturbed inside as with L `external of the country. Thus several plots were drawn up for its assassination.


Thom Sank, the man of “the last African revolution” to borrow the term of Aziz Salmone Fall, coordinator of the international Partner “for Sankara”, wanted of a world right. The captain believed in the change like Krumah, Cabral but “just like Lumumba which spoke about revolution of mentality to its people which lived in the trees and as all those which dream waked up, Sankara nourishes Utopia”, notes Sennen. Sankara thus left at 37 years as Che Guevara which he admired. But youth sees in him the liveliness and the energy of the hope, the probity and the symbol of inalienability. African youth proclaimed 2007 “Sankara year” at the time from both drilled social of Bamako in 2006 and Nairobi. Structures, films, monuments support its name. As an illustration, the Thomas-Sankara college in Brazzaville. The commemoration of its disappearance this year will be marked by various demonstrations of which the arrival in Dakar and for the first time in Africa, of the caravan “Thom Sank 2007” coming from Latin America and of Europe.

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