Wednesday, April 22, 2009









Morning gentlrmen and ladies.Today we go to speak about the abortion.This plague is adopted by many poeple for various reasons.But why this practice Without delaying more we go started with the presentation of the comrades who worked lasts to clear up you on this problem which mines the society.


the abortion is expulsion of the foetus before the 180 days of the pregnancy that means 6 mounths of pregnancy or 28weeks of amenorrhoea. It can be involuntary. Thus we can note the following types of abortion.


this iswhen the embryon does not arrive to developp normally inside of uterus it dies and rejectd naturally. This miscarriage can happen any moment of the preggancy:

if at the time of fecundation, the meeting of chromosomes wre badly done.

if the uterus is badly adapted to the increase in the size of the foetus during fisrt mounths of the pregnancy.

at the timeof a chronic disease of the mother or an infection ,for example , canalsqo act of outside to prevent the development of egg.

it can be caused by a high emotion or an accident,ect.

2.Therapeutic abortion

It is when the pregnancy constitutes a risk for the mother, it can be stopped very lately(legally 28 weeks of amenorroea). it is whet differenciates the therapeutic abortion from the termination of pregnancy. This therapeutic interruption is also possible if the docteur diagnoses aserious attack of the child.

3.Caused abortion

It is an abortion which is done voluntarily and conciously:it's a surgery and, like such ,has any risk of accident or of complication (for example ,one haemorrhage or an infection).


1)social reasons

-the fear ofthe aprents ,rejection by the family(dishonour)

-the refusal of paternity on behalf of inconscious and irresponsible man.

pressure of the partner

mocking remarks on behalf of the surrounding.

2.Economic reasons

The importance of the inherent loads has the conceotion and the talking care of the child in our sociaty.

pletorics families

3)School reasons

the fear of return or the school delay schooling bieng perceved has the way of the social success, by the means of the diplomas and the guarrantor of a remunerated employment

4)Personal suitability

5)Illegitimates pregnancies.

6)broubht closer pregnancies

IV-Abortive agents

1)Averagies mechanics


the permaganate of potasium

V-places of abortions

1)privates infirmeries


3)Quotes university




The abortion caused clandestine has a high rate morbidity and mortality because practised by an inexperienced unqualifed workers and undre precarious conditions.The age bracket 17-19 years is touched followed that 20-24 years. So there are:

1)Immediate complications

-the haemorrhages

-uterine perforetions

2)Secondary complications




3)Remotes complications



premature births


1-The sex education

sexuality constitutes asubject taboo not approached by the parents.It will thus be necessary to integrate the sex education into the school training schemes for stage for the escape of responsibilities.

2-The population of the contraceptive methodes

One would need officialy authorized correct information broad diffusion has fine to level the obstacles, of raising the hesitations,putting at the range greater number of users an effective method of fight against the generating unwillingly pregnancies of abortions cause clandestine.

3-The war with the abortionists

IT would be necessary to severely sanction people who practises this trade.


IF abortion is a refusal to assume a pregnancy.Whereas contraception is a technique (method) to avoid or prevent a pregnancy. This one is smelled then as a solution with abortion.We can have to make with five types of contraception.

1-Nturals Methods.

The abstinence(best contraception)

method of the calendar

2-Chemical method

It's the used of the spermicides(tablet)which immobilize the spermatozoids.

3-Hormonal methods

It' s the used of the substances which prevent or stop pvulation on the level of the woman:

-the pill

-the norplan

-the injectable

4-Mechanic method

IT's the used of coid which prevent thez nidation

5-Surgical methods

This irreversible method and seldom practise on the level of BURKINA FASO and the under development contry. It's VASECTOMY (removal of the channel routing of the spermatozoids of) at the man and of the BINDING of the horns at the woman.

6-The barrier method.

It's the used of male and female condoms.


Within sight of all that we can say that abortion is a practice to be banish in our society .To avoi all these problems,the young people must go to the youth medical centres like ABBEF AND other centres of family health which are city of OUAGADOUGOU to decrease the abortion and the AIDS whose rate of prevalence reaches 8% now.


THE caused abortion paradoxically at the same time strongly is condamned and strongly practised in OUAGADOUGOU today.

According to a survey carried out by the UERD (Unit of Teaching and Research in Demography)published in the N°3049 daily news paper le PAYS of friday 23rd at sunday 25th january 2004, ther is in OUAGADOUGOU:7800 abortions is practised every year,40 abortions cause for 1000 women in a year that is to say abortions by woman and by life; 61%of the abortions are cause by agents of health or assimilated ,26% of the women do it themselves and 13% have recourse to the tradipraticiens;1 abortion out of 3 is made by injection ,1 out of 5 per curetting and in 80% of the cases caused by the women themselves involve harmful consequences;4545 clandestine abortions require care; 33% of the whole of the abortions finish in acentre of health, 14% are allowed at the hospital Yalgado, the suka private clinic ,in the medical centre Saint Camille and Saint Paul VI. 1112 abortions require ahospitalisation per year ;28 women at least die every year in consequence of abortion causes.

1 comment:

  1. - Sources?
    - Bad organisation of ideas and sentences
    - Respect instructions

    MARK: 09/20
