Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NELSON Mandela High school

Group Members
Samaké Esther
Onakodo Manata
Zala Hélène
Zagré Sylvie
Ouédraogo Rakièta
Soré Zénabou

Topic : High school NELSON Mandela

Work plan
I-Creation and Evolution of the High School

1-Establishment of the School

2-Evolution of the High School

a- Normal girl school

b- National Girls High School

c- High school Nelson Mandela


1-The Administration and its role

2-Infrastructure and students

a- Infrastructure

b- Students


1 - Regulations

2 -Activities

1. Balance
2. Review

The High school Nelson Mandela is a general education school in the city of Ouagadougou. It is located on Avenue of Thomas Sankara Baskuy district. It is bounded to the west by the professional high school of Kadiogo and high school Philippe Zinda Kabore, in the East by the Paspanga military camp, south by the house of the nurse, to the north by the Paspanga schools.

I-Creation and Evolution of High School

1-Establishment of School

Established in 1953, the Nelson Mandela high School was first called Normal girls school which was the headquarters site of ASECNA Taamsé called at the airport in Ouagadougou, then he took the name National Girls High School and the Nelson Mandela tribute to Nelson Mandela, a man who fought for apartheid in South Africa.

2 - Evolution of The High School

a- Normal girl school
From 1953 to 1983, the Nelson Mandela high school was called Normal girls school. It was transferred to ASECNA Paspanga in October 1960. It functioned as a CEG (General Teaching College) Grade 7 to grade 10. It was an intern who recruited only for girls admitted to grade 7. In additigh school on, were accepted with the normal Girls school the pupils of high school Philippe Zinda Kabore and the pupils of the Apprentiship center which became later the high school Technique de Ouagadougou. There were about four hundred young girls with a maximum of forty-five students per class. In addition to general education, there was also cooking, music and sewing and was headed by a director, an economical and general surveillance. The first from 1953 to 1957 was a French name Suzanne Hardy. From 1957 to 1961 he was directed by Marcelle Jurriens French. It was only in 1961 that the first headmaster was of Burkinabe nationality Jacqueline Ki-Zerbo. From 1974 to 1980, she was replaced by Mrs. Elizabeth OUEDRAOGO. From 1980 to 1987, Mrs. Alice Tiendrébéogo was appointed to head the school. That's when the name has changed and became the National girls High School.

b-National girl high school
From 1983 to 1990, The national girls high school became the National girls school still remaining an internship. The state took care of their education, food, clothing and more. The school was under the direction of Mrs. Alice Tiendrebéogo from 1980 to 1987; Kéré Catherine from 1987 to 1988, Ms. Melanie Sandwidi from 1988 to 1990.
In 1990, the National girl school took the name of Nelson Mandela High school.

C-High school Nelson Mandela or Nelson Mandela High school
As a result of the revolution of Thomas SANKARA, the National girl school was named the Nelson Mandela high school by the national committee in support of the ANC (a party that fought against apartheid in South Africa. Mixing started since 1987 with the boys in grade 7 and 11 with the first lady as censor Karidjatou. It was during the revolution that a permutation of the local school pupils and French students which became later pairing which allowed the creation of the library, the infirmary and Computing center. In 2004 was celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the school. The school was run from 1990 to 1995 by Sir Hubert Konabouré Compaoré; from 1995 to 2001 by Mr. FLA Sékou Sanou; from 2001 to 2007 by Jean-Pierre Korsaga; 2007 to 2009 by Sir John de la Croix, the current headmaster is Mr. Pierre Alexis Bassinga.


1 - The administration and its role
The school consists of a headmaster who is the head of the High school, a censor, nineteen supervisors divided into four watches, one hundred and fifteen teachers, a secretary, and stewards. The principal's role is to govern the school, the censor's role is to set the duties, duties to justify the missed students, supervisors aim to ensure the discipline of students, give tickets of exit and entry to the students; the teachers are responsible for educating students, the secretary is responsible for various seizure and photocopying; stewards are responsible for collecting school fees.

2 - Infrastructure and students

The school is composed of forty classes, seven classes of grade 7, eight of grade 8, seven classes of grade9,six classes of grade 10, three classes of upper level: second C, a grade A, 1ere three classes of D, a class of 1ere C, a class of 1ere A, two classes of terminal D, and a class of terminal A, a library, conference room, a computer room, a dining room, a teachers room, toilets, a sports field, three-way valve, a headmaster's office, an office of censor, parking, canteen, a headmaster's house, a house of the general supervisor, a laboratory, a clinic, a podium, a flag, a Students board, study boards.

b- Students
The school is composed of two thousand one hundred and thirty two students, within which is set a leading committee that handles student extra-curricular activities. The students are dressed in khaki. Their role is to respect the rules and acquire certain knowledge and with a minimum average of ten to spend in class.

III- Operation


The school has rules that must be respected as members of the administration and students that include: compliance with the schedule for the program. Doing the homework required a minimum of two per quarter. As students, they must respect the members of the administration, to be held in school, ensuring the cleanliness of the classes, be on time, attend the course, be disciplined.

2. Activities
The activities of the school are divided into two parts: school activities where students must take part and make as much as possible the tests and extra-curricular activities which are composed of jacket’s day, a traditional day for one cultural night, of a “kermess”. There are some activities that are conducted within the school such as: AEEMB (Association of Muslim Students and pupils in Burkina), the GBS (School bible Group), the JEC (Catholic youth Students).

The Nelson Mandela High school is a public school that has seen great changes since 1953 until today. This property consists of an administration and many students who, with their activities have led to proper functioning of the school. Nowadays, it is assumed that the school has a good education with the best teachers. Supervisors watch over the discipline of the pupils.

The High School has a good education with a relatively high rate of success in examinations. The teachers are doing their best to communicate the best teachings, although many students are in classes up to one hundred and twenty students in grades11. But it is unfortunate that most members of the administration ignore the history of the school since 1953 until nowadays because we had to go to see an old guard of 1978 for information about the school.
It is incomprehensible that the second largest school in Burkina Faso has only three heads of taps for two thousand one hundred and thirty two students and pay parking. The teachers’ office is in poor condition as well as desks and ceilings.

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