Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Captaine Thomas Sankara


TOPIC : The Captaine Thomas Sankara














I. Introduction

Thomas Sankara Burkinabe political great man made these revolutionists who fought for the unit and economic, mental independence of the Africans with respect to the Westerners also of the international institution like the IMF or the World Bank. Its combat was to have free and worthy Africa.

II. Biography

Resulting from a catholic family, Thomas Sankara was a “Peul-Mossi”. Born in 1949, the young captain arrived at the capacity on August 4, 1983. His/her father was old .com beating and prisoner of war of the Second world war. He made his secondary studies with the College Ouézin Coulibaly de Sore-Dioulasso, second city of the country. He followed a training of officer to Madagascar and became in 1976 commander of the center of Po commando. The same year, it becomes acquainted with Blaise Compaoré with whom it will form the Regrouping of the communist officers (ROCK) whose other most known members are Henri Zongo and Jean-Baptiste Boukary Lingani. In September 1981, he becomes Secretary of State to information in the government of Colonel Saye Zerbo. He will resign on April 21, 1982, informant “Misfortune with those which muzzle the people! ” On November 7, 1982, a new coup d'etat carried to the capacity the army medical officer Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo. Sankara became Prime Minister in January 1983, but was dismissed and shut down on May 17, after a visit of Guy Penne, adviser of François Mitterrand. A new coup d'etat, on August 4, 1983 places Thomas Sankara at the presidency. It defines its program as anti-impérialiste, in particular in its “Speech of political orientation”, written by Valère Somé. Its government withdrew with the traditional chiefs the feudal capacities which they continued to exert. It created CDR (Defense committees of the revolution), which tended however to behave in revolutionary militia sometimes making reign a terror not very in conformity with the objectives of fight against corruption. On October 15, 1987, Thomas Sankara was assassinated at the time of a coup d'etat organized by that which was regarded as his/her brother, Blaise Compaoré. Several days later, he was declared “deceased natural death” by an army medical officer. The absence of any lawsuit or any investigation on behalf of the Burkinabe government was condemned in 2006 by the Committee of the human rights of the United Nations. Since December 28, 2005, an avenue of Ouagadougou bears its name, within the more general framework of a process of rehabilitation issued in 2000 but blocked since then.

III. His combat

Thomas Sankara is the inventor of an original revolution which will have marked the history. With the head of Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries of the world, the young captain dared to speak about authentic values, to fight corruption with the national plan, to refuse loans of the World Bank, to qualify practical unquestionable imperialists in the North-South relations. All its philosophy and its strategy were summarized with a value: the fatherland or death. Twenty (20) years after his death, Thomas Sankara is always in the hearts. Elegant and eloquent, it will have marked its generation by its audacity. As of its takeover, it decides to decolonize mentalities by giving up the name the Upper Volta of the colonizer for another more original, Burkina Faso. A combination of mooré and dioula meaning the country of the just Men. “One does not decide to become Head of the State, one decides to finish some with such or such form of brimade, of exploitation, it is all. To live African to live free and worthy”, said it. For him, the Africans must release themselves completely from the Western yoke by ensuring a vision specific to them. He and his/her comrades in arms Henri Zongo, Boukary Jean-Baptiste Lingani, Blaise Compaoré… want through a revolution, to give again a chance with their country classified among poorest in the world. They set up of the defense committees of the Revolution. They speak about democratic centralism, working mass, class struggle. The young soldiers draw their vocabulary and solutions at Marx, Lénine, Mao, Guévara. In the library of Sankara, there was all traditional Marxism-Leninism and the young captain recognizes “that it drank any Lénine”, testifies Sennen Andriamirado in “Sankara the Rebel”. For “Thom Sank”, a soldier without political training and ideological is a criminal in power. The populations, they also, are invited to take their destiny in hand while being implied in the projects and programs

IV. The assassination of Thomas Sankara

In the implementation of his development program, the young captain fights against all the forms of wasting and corruption. He already gave the example by transferring his allowances of mission after a Libyan stay whereas he was still Prime Minister. He went to its first Council of Ministers in 1981 at the time in the bicycle. Once president, it will roll in Renault 5. Thomas Sankara also created the radio on line with the CPS, during which every Tuesday evening, the populations can challenge the ministers, officers personally… He promises to drive out administration and army the “civils servant rotted”. The Burkinabe will retain also him to them popular Tribunaux of the Revolution (TPR) where the former leaders had to be explained on their former management. The revolutionist refused loans of the World Bank to finance “projects which its country did not choose”. Speaking about the debt of Burkina, Thom Sank required of the countries South at the time of its speech at the OAU in 1987, to make face not to refund it. “If Burkina Faso all alone refuses to pay the debt, I will not be there with the next conference”. Two months and half after this speech, he dies on October 15 of the same year. Sankara knew that it disturbed. “We are clearly aware that we disturb. The question is to know which we disturb: the minority or majority”? Sankara was perceived as that which wanted to make perpetuate a new order other than that which prevailed in West Africa. It is shown to be inspired per moments by the “green Book” by Khadafi, whereas Sankara said to the Libyan president that “your experiment interests us but we want to live ours”, brings back Sennen. Thom Sank had difficult relations with some of its neighbors. Always it is that a long time, will continue the writer, the blow of the plot of a coup d'etat fomented by the Ebrié lagoon makes noise with Ouagadougou. In 1985 bursts “the second war of the poor” between Burkina Faso and Mali following a di phrases: “Sankara speaks one can too much”. Sometimes misunderstood by some of its close relations and also by other Heads of State, Thom wanted 0the ardour and of quickly and well to make. It sank without respite. Sight all its ideas that he had undertaken he disturbed inside as with L `external of the country. Thus several plots were drawn up for its assassination.


Thom Sank, the man of “the last African revolution” to borrow the term of Aziz Salmone Fall, coordinator of the international Partner “for Sankara”, wanted of a world right. The captain believed in the change like Krumah, Cabral but “just like Lumumba which spoke about revolution of mentality to its people which lived in the trees and as all those which dream waked up, Sankara nourishes Utopia”, notes Sennen. Sankara thus left at 37 years as Che Guevara which he admired. But youth sees in him the liveliness and the energy of the hope, the probity and the symbol of inalienability. African youth proclaimed 2007 “Sankara year” at the time from both drilled social of Bamako in 2006 and Nairobi. Structures, films, monuments support its name. As an illustration, the Thomas-Sankara college in Brazzaville. The commemoration of its disappearance this year will be marked by various demonstrations of which the arrival in Dakar and for the first time in Africa, of the caravan “Thom Sank 2007” coming from Latin America and of Europe.

Generation Gap

English expose
Theme: Generation Gap









Ouedraogo Adama

Sawadogo N Aimée

Sedogo Arnold Thierry

Sawadogo Ivette

Tapsoba Faouzia

Kabore P Gilles

Compaore Anicet


Long before the penetration of the white man in Africa, generation gap was quite inexist;

the older men were reference of the young.

But since the penetration of other civilisation in Africa ( the white men's)different kind of seeing things and events,different kind of dressing,eating in one word different kind of behaving appeared hence generation gap.


The generation gaps is conflict that exists between two different generations.Generally it is the lack of argreement between the young generation and the old one.


African tradition became old-fashion compared with the teaching of the new comers

All these facts illustrates the knot of the actual crisis in African sociaties. The main causes may be the colonisation which brougth schools misssionaries in Africa.

-Schools: The white man taught his mauners to Africain children. Keading, writing, expression behaving even The sanitary hygien. Thus, these school children grew up whith another mind very different from their native one.

-Missionaries:there are also one of the causes of the conflict. They up taught our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters (every body) to give up their sacrifices and all their felishes jus to accept JESUS the saviour of the believers. Here again, there is an attempt to clean our minds of our old creedsn, beliefs in Africain spirits.

there are also other causes such as: mariages.

Nowdays, the young men aren't fitted to traditional Africain mariage. We can see it in the novel of Seydou Badjan entitle "sous l'orage".

III- Consequences

The generation gap has several consequences,some are ever crucial. The conflict if it is only in a family can generate an irreversible break of this one. We can enumerate:

- Young (men) cursed by old men

- Young banishment by old men

In the social plan, the consequences are very disatrous:

- Solidarity disappear for the benefit of individu alism

- Tradition disappear

IV- Solutions

Generation gap can be remedied by sensibilisation of young men and old men. Young men must not give up tradition and old men must also change their minds. We can also introduce our civilisation in the school system

V- Conclusion

If only young know,

If only age could..... (Henri Estienne)

It means that young men are strong, but not wise, whereas old people are wise but not strong.

The ideal is that young men and old men put together their values. At this moment, conflicts may disappear, and both generations would live in harmony. Young men have to tolerate older people behaviours, and vice-versa. Tolerance is the only way towards reconcilisation.

Agriculture in Burkina Faso

Membres du groupe
Gbangou Théophane
Sawadogo Moumouni
Compaoré Mickaël
Zongo Noël
Congo Ali
Kontogom Lucien

GENERAL THEME: Agriculture in Burkina Faso


Burkina Faso is a landlocked country located in the heart of West Africa whose economy is mainly based on agriculture.

At the national level the physical environment present unfavorable conditions for agricultural development:
the weather (climate, soil, vegetation)
low-productivity land
-population growth is increasingly out of balance with available resources
- The production techniques are still archaic (tobacco, which is widely used everywhere).
The flatness of the terrain does not allow the construction of dams.
-dissociation agriculture and livestock not return on any section.
Sub-Rural Employment during six months in the year causing the emigration of youth to urban centers and coastal countries which deprives the work of rural labor.
With a view to achieve food self-sufficiency, the Burkinabe authorities seek to control natural opposites
Selected water -
- Land Reforms (nationalization of land)
-Organization and supervision of the rural peasant (technical and land)

II - Support to farmers
In Burkina Faso many government institutions, parastatals and international providing multifaceted support to the rural world:
The Rural Development helps rural people to organize:
the village groups are aimed at the welfare of the village community.
- the group of young farmers will value the training they received.
Agricultural research technical and financial assistance is provided by the following organizations:
- l 'I.R.A.T. (Research Institute of Tropical Agriculture). he participates in research on food crops.
- l 'I.R.H.O. (research institute on oils and oilseeds). The work on the selection and improvement of varieties such as groundnuts, sesame.
C.R.A.P.A (regional center of promoting agro-pastoral. It is aimed at developing optimal (maximum) of the agricultural crop in each region according to its potential climatic and soil
Agricultural production
there are food production, which barely cover the needs of countries and commercial production.

1 - Food production
They form the staple diet of Burkinabe and occupy 85% of cultivated area. These are, millet, sorghum, maize and fonio.
Tubers and starchy foods (sweet potatoes, yams, beans, peas ground, etc..) Which are secondary products constitute an important complement to food burkinabé.

2 - The industrial production and trade
They concern oilseeds, cotton, tobacco, sugar cane. Oilseeds are in all food products that are not subject to industrial crops (peanuts, shea nuts, sesame, soy)..
Industrial plants are those that fuel the agro-industrial raw materials. Cotton is the first industrial exploitation of the country. It is produced mainly in the west of the country but now extends to the Center and the East.
Cotton has created dégrénage plants.
Sugar cane is produced by irrigated agriculture.
Tobacco is a traditional culture practiced on lopains of land around the village and its consumption is local.
Shea butter is a collection used by the industry chacolat in cosmetology and pharmacology.
Fruits and vegetables are growing rapidly in the developed and irrigated perimeters. Many fruits have been intoduits (pineapple, grapefruit)


To attain food self-sufficiency authorities focus on water management. That is why they encourage the population to the construction of selected water and Barage. They have also undertaken to highlight the valleys in order to increase the cultivable csuperficies.

Some violence in Africa

-Koala Idrisse
-Komondi Ismaël
-Ouédraogo Inoussa
-Sawadogo Robert
-Sawadogo Ismael
-Sawadogo soumaila

Topic: Some violence in Africa


Violence is the fact of using force against someone or something. The use of terror is the fact of obliging someone against this will, what is opposed to sweltness.Everything bad goes against harmony.

The main example can be the war against.Nowadays, violence is used as the main mean to resolv problem, crisis.

In our topic we will examine firstly the differents aspects of violence. Secondly we will give the causes of violence in Africa. Thirdly we will give the consequences of this problem. To finish we shall find some solution to resolve this phenomena.


A-Physical violence

Military coups, strike, hijacking, assasination

B-Violence on nature

Human need feed themselves, kill animals, cut trees. This violence is a necessity. It’s a law of nature itself. The strongest must kill the smallest and the wickest survives.

C-Violence in nature

It’s natural phenomena. It’s not done by a man action: earthquake, volcanoes, cyclons, droughts, floods.

D-Moral and psychology violence

Radical segregation or discrimination, social prejudice, bet, indifference to the suffering of overs persecution.


The violence in Africa has many reasons:
A-Social causes

On the land we can speak of the social class in other words the social exclusion: In Africa; the villages, people are disposed in persons who must be respect by other persons who are not respect. Naturally if you are among the people who don’t respect, you will want a changement and you will use probably the violence.

The violence can be also explained by the back of apologize. The violence is dictated by the revenging and an autodefense.

So parents have a part of responsibility in the violence in Africa. The parents don’t educate well their children.

The child is such as white paper where the owners write what he wants, that is to say the child will become violent and wicked if during his childhood his parents beat illtreated and didn’t listen,understood,don’t illtreat,if the society and the child parents are kind with him he will be gently when he become strong .
B-Economic causes

The poverty is main explaining of violence in Africa; for example in South Africa, the percentage of young graduates who have not working 60%.

To be poor in rich country give look forward to have easy life .For this to return toward the murder.

The professional criminality, networks which have many ramifications. Those network have such work to kill or illtreat persons if we payed them. The increasingly percentage of criminality of violence with arms can be explain by small arms merchants. In Africa violence increase because in this country the sharing of money is very unqual.We can remark that it is in the countries were there is the petrol take place that violence. In other words the petrol and other mineral resources are causes of violence in Africa.

C-Political causes

On the hand we can speak of bad governance’s greed and pursuit of personal ambitions, politicisation of army ideological motives.

In Africa the politic is used badly .In Africa there are many hold up. The up is a taking of president with violence, often the president and all his collaborates are killed. This is cause of civil war. The election in Africa isn’t clear.

In one hundred elections in this country, 60 aren’t clear; the real democracy doesn’t exist in Africa. The population is forced to vote for the person who doesn’t agree with .It’s corruption.

Some of countries for destroy themselves; the president take advantages of richess of other countries and that can provoke war.


A-Social consequences
The violence in Africa creed many millions death, bless, orphans and widows. The war reeds the fall of percentage, of birthrade, the ageing of population, so the declining of country.
People are killed from time on time. Women and girls are rapes and beat; to infect them by AIDS and other deseases.The children see the maughty things that they must not see and they become confused. The lose confidence of the life. The children can’t learn the love. The member of same family can be dissociate because the were constraint to move. The population becomes refuges .Life, pectancy decrease, and infant mortality increase. The people are psychological disturb. The violence in Africa cause the hunger, this problem stop the social developpement of population.
It increases the unemployment persons.

B-Economic consequences
Violence in Africa has many consequences on economic plan.So, the cross national comparison become inferior in comparison to the continents where there isn’t violence. It also Morse back to economic developpement because the workers are afraid. They can’t go normally at work, they have fear to be killed or to be illtread.the government use money of budget for feed the soldier and to by many arms. The PIB decrease. It uses lot of money to repearthe domages after the war, for example the war stops the foreign investments. The war cause many big dethronements and thefts; all that cause the economic crisis, so the country economic declining.

C-Political consequences
The first political consequence of violence in Africa is a political instability, hold-up(military coup) breeds an other hold-up. The violence creates many constrasts.The violence been practise in political. It is the population who are first victims. For example in Côte Ivoire the last coup was the principal massacre of citizens: It brings revolution in a country, it permits poverty in a country, it brings startives, it puts some countries sut of international community, and it increases the unemployment persons.

Non-violence is opposed to violence: It’s passive resistant as a matter of problem. It’s also a very powerful against violence, but it is difficult to use because it needs certain qualities: courage, merci, determination, patience, strong character self control. Some measure can be doing to stop violence.

A-Social plan
The weapons used by non-violence are: dialogue, pueful discussion, negotiation to show the opened that is wrong, tolerance, parents should provide a good education to their children and parents, focus (center) on moral and civics education at school, trust young people, sensitize the young on advantage of non-violence, promote education and manual activies, the children mustn’t do their parents don’t want. Children reproach their parents with not to know their problems and their motivation, not to be patient, to be too demanding.

B-Economic solutions
The Africans governing must do many investments to resolve on part of violence in Africa. They must create some small and medium size enterprises (PME) build some leisure centers and develop youth organizaten.They must reduct the percentage of young people who have not job. Is that to say to fight poverty, the main cause of violence. They must repar the problem of the unequal sharing of money in Africa, to organize the petrol industries money is the sivew of war.

C-Political solutions
Every man is the architect of his own fate, where there is a will there is a way .Is that to say that at first Africans governing can stop violence if they want it. They must:
-Stop bad governance
-Stop politicisation of army
-Use real democracy, is that to say stop coups which a new word in Africa isn’t because:
-It is frequent, to respect the democracy values
-Creed respect between the Africans countries
-Stop corruption themselves in first and punish the trainted.The people must vote the competent persons such as a president for their country because when the violence is practice on a political plan they are the first victims.

We can tell that violence in Africa has many varieties. It has many causes whom pull many consequences .according to we, we can fight violence in Africa by the best organization on the political, social and economic plan.

NELSON Mandela High school

Group Members
Samaké Esther
Onakodo Manata
Zala Hélène
Zagré Sylvie
Ouédraogo Rakièta
Soré Zénabou

Topic : High school NELSON Mandela

Work plan
I-Creation and Evolution of the High School

1-Establishment of the School

2-Evolution of the High School

a- Normal girl school

b- National Girls High School

c- High school Nelson Mandela


1-The Administration and its role

2-Infrastructure and students

a- Infrastructure

b- Students


1 - Regulations

2 -Activities

1. Balance
2. Review

The High school Nelson Mandela is a general education school in the city of Ouagadougou. It is located on Avenue of Thomas Sankara Baskuy district. It is bounded to the west by the professional high school of Kadiogo and high school Philippe Zinda Kabore, in the East by the Paspanga military camp, south by the house of the nurse, to the north by the Paspanga schools.

I-Creation and Evolution of High School

1-Establishment of School

Established in 1953, the Nelson Mandela high School was first called Normal girls school which was the headquarters site of ASECNA Taamsé called at the airport in Ouagadougou, then he took the name National Girls High School and the Nelson Mandela tribute to Nelson Mandela, a man who fought for apartheid in South Africa.

2 - Evolution of The High School

a- Normal girl school
From 1953 to 1983, the Nelson Mandela high school was called Normal girls school. It was transferred to ASECNA Paspanga in October 1960. It functioned as a CEG (General Teaching College) Grade 7 to grade 10. It was an intern who recruited only for girls admitted to grade 7. In additigh school on, were accepted with the normal Girls school the pupils of high school Philippe Zinda Kabore and the pupils of the Apprentiship center which became later the high school Technique de Ouagadougou. There were about four hundred young girls with a maximum of forty-five students per class. In addition to general education, there was also cooking, music and sewing and was headed by a director, an economical and general surveillance. The first from 1953 to 1957 was a French name Suzanne Hardy. From 1957 to 1961 he was directed by Marcelle Jurriens French. It was only in 1961 that the first headmaster was of Burkinabe nationality Jacqueline Ki-Zerbo. From 1974 to 1980, she was replaced by Mrs. Elizabeth OUEDRAOGO. From 1980 to 1987, Mrs. Alice Tiendrébéogo was appointed to head the school. That's when the name has changed and became the National girls High School.

b-National girl high school
From 1983 to 1990, The national girls high school became the National girls school still remaining an internship. The state took care of their education, food, clothing and more. The school was under the direction of Mrs. Alice Tiendrebéogo from 1980 to 1987; Kéré Catherine from 1987 to 1988, Ms. Melanie Sandwidi from 1988 to 1990.
In 1990, the National girl school took the name of Nelson Mandela High school.

C-High school Nelson Mandela or Nelson Mandela High school
As a result of the revolution of Thomas SANKARA, the National girl school was named the Nelson Mandela high school by the national committee in support of the ANC (a party that fought against apartheid in South Africa. Mixing started since 1987 with the boys in grade 7 and 11 with the first lady as censor Karidjatou. It was during the revolution that a permutation of the local school pupils and French students which became later pairing which allowed the creation of the library, the infirmary and Computing center. In 2004 was celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the school. The school was run from 1990 to 1995 by Sir Hubert Konabouré Compaoré; from 1995 to 2001 by Mr. FLA Sékou Sanou; from 2001 to 2007 by Jean-Pierre Korsaga; 2007 to 2009 by Sir John de la Croix, the current headmaster is Mr. Pierre Alexis Bassinga.


1 - The administration and its role
The school consists of a headmaster who is the head of the High school, a censor, nineteen supervisors divided into four watches, one hundred and fifteen teachers, a secretary, and stewards. The principal's role is to govern the school, the censor's role is to set the duties, duties to justify the missed students, supervisors aim to ensure the discipline of students, give tickets of exit and entry to the students; the teachers are responsible for educating students, the secretary is responsible for various seizure and photocopying; stewards are responsible for collecting school fees.

2 - Infrastructure and students

The school is composed of forty classes, seven classes of grade 7, eight of grade 8, seven classes of grade9,six classes of grade 10, three classes of upper level: second C, a grade A, 1ere three classes of D, a class of 1ere C, a class of 1ere A, two classes of terminal D, and a class of terminal A, a library, conference room, a computer room, a dining room, a teachers room, toilets, a sports field, three-way valve, a headmaster's office, an office of censor, parking, canteen, a headmaster's house, a house of the general supervisor, a laboratory, a clinic, a podium, a flag, a Students board, study boards.

b- Students
The school is composed of two thousand one hundred and thirty two students, within which is set a leading committee that handles student extra-curricular activities. The students are dressed in khaki. Their role is to respect the rules and acquire certain knowledge and with a minimum average of ten to spend in class.

III- Operation


The school has rules that must be respected as members of the administration and students that include: compliance with the schedule for the program. Doing the homework required a minimum of two per quarter. As students, they must respect the members of the administration, to be held in school, ensuring the cleanliness of the classes, be on time, attend the course, be disciplined.

2. Activities
The activities of the school are divided into two parts: school activities where students must take part and make as much as possible the tests and extra-curricular activities which are composed of jacket’s day, a traditional day for one cultural night, of a “kermess”. There are some activities that are conducted within the school such as: AEEMB (Association of Muslim Students and pupils in Burkina), the GBS (School bible Group), the JEC (Catholic youth Students).

The Nelson Mandela High school is a public school that has seen great changes since 1953 until today. This property consists of an administration and many students who, with their activities have led to proper functioning of the school. Nowadays, it is assumed that the school has a good education with the best teachers. Supervisors watch over the discipline of the pupils.

The High School has a good education with a relatively high rate of success in examinations. The teachers are doing their best to communicate the best teachings, although many students are in classes up to one hundred and twenty students in grades11. But it is unfortunate that most members of the administration ignore the history of the school since 1953 until nowadays because we had to go to see an old guard of 1978 for information about the school.
It is incomprehensible that the second largest school in Burkina Faso has only three heads of taps for two thousand one hundred and thirty two students and pay parking. The teachers’ office is in poor condition as well as desks and ceilings.









Morning gentlrmen and ladies.Today we go to speak about the abortion.This plague is adopted by many poeple for various reasons.But why this practice Without delaying more we go started with the presentation of the comrades who worked lasts to clear up you on this problem which mines the society.


the abortion is expulsion of the foetus before the 180 days of the pregnancy that means 6 mounths of pregnancy or 28weeks of amenorrhoea. It can be involuntary. Thus we can note the following types of abortion.


this iswhen the embryon does not arrive to developp normally inside of uterus it dies and rejectd naturally. This miscarriage can happen any moment of the preggancy:

if at the time of fecundation, the meeting of chromosomes wre badly done.

if the uterus is badly adapted to the increase in the size of the foetus during fisrt mounths of the pregnancy.

at the timeof a chronic disease of the mother or an infection ,for example , canalsqo act of outside to prevent the development of egg.

it can be caused by a high emotion or an accident,ect.

2.Therapeutic abortion

It is when the pregnancy constitutes a risk for the mother, it can be stopped very lately(legally 28 weeks of amenorroea). it is whet differenciates the therapeutic abortion from the termination of pregnancy. This therapeutic interruption is also possible if the docteur diagnoses aserious attack of the child.

3.Caused abortion

It is an abortion which is done voluntarily and conciously:it's a surgery and, like such ,has any risk of accident or of complication (for example ,one haemorrhage or an infection).


1)social reasons

-the fear ofthe aprents ,rejection by the family(dishonour)

-the refusal of paternity on behalf of inconscious and irresponsible man.

pressure of the partner

mocking remarks on behalf of the surrounding.

2.Economic reasons

The importance of the inherent loads has the conceotion and the talking care of the child in our sociaty.

pletorics families

3)School reasons

the fear of return or the school delay schooling bieng perceved has the way of the social success, by the means of the diplomas and the guarrantor of a remunerated employment

4)Personal suitability

5)Illegitimates pregnancies.

6)broubht closer pregnancies

IV-Abortive agents

1)Averagies mechanics


the permaganate of potasium

V-places of abortions

1)privates infirmeries


3)Quotes university




The abortion caused clandestine has a high rate morbidity and mortality because practised by an inexperienced unqualifed workers and undre precarious conditions.The age bracket 17-19 years is touched followed that 20-24 years. So there are:

1)Immediate complications

-the haemorrhages

-uterine perforetions

2)Secondary complications




3)Remotes complications



premature births


1-The sex education

sexuality constitutes asubject taboo not approached by the parents.It will thus be necessary to integrate the sex education into the school training schemes for stage for the escape of responsibilities.

2-The population of the contraceptive methodes

One would need officialy authorized correct information broad diffusion has fine to level the obstacles, of raising the hesitations,putting at the range greater number of users an effective method of fight against the generating unwillingly pregnancies of abortions cause clandestine.

3-The war with the abortionists

IT would be necessary to severely sanction people who practises this trade.


IF abortion is a refusal to assume a pregnancy.Whereas contraception is a technique (method) to avoid or prevent a pregnancy. This one is smelled then as a solution with abortion.We can have to make with five types of contraception.

1-Nturals Methods.

The abstinence(best contraception)

method of the calendar

2-Chemical method

It's the used of the spermicides(tablet)which immobilize the spermatozoids.

3-Hormonal methods

It' s the used of the substances which prevent or stop pvulation on the level of the woman:

-the pill

-the norplan

-the injectable

4-Mechanic method

IT's the used of coid which prevent thez nidation

5-Surgical methods

This irreversible method and seldom practise on the level of BURKINA FASO and the under development contry. It's VASECTOMY (removal of the channel routing of the spermatozoids of) at the man and of the BINDING of the horns at the woman.

6-The barrier method.

It's the used of male and female condoms.


Within sight of all that we can say that abortion is a practice to be banish in our society .To avoi all these problems,the young people must go to the youth medical centres like ABBEF AND other centres of family health which are city of OUAGADOUGOU to decrease the abortion and the AIDS whose rate of prevalence reaches 8% now.


THE caused abortion paradoxically at the same time strongly is condamned and strongly practised in OUAGADOUGOU today.

According to a survey carried out by the UERD (Unit of Teaching and Research in Demography)published in the N°3049 daily news paper le PAYS of friday 23rd at sunday 25th january 2004, ther is in OUAGADOUGOU:7800 abortions is practised every year,40 abortions cause for 1000 women in a year that is to say abortions by woman and by life; 61%of the abortions are cause by agents of health or assimilated ,26% of the women do it themselves and 13% have recourse to the tradipraticiens;1 abortion out of 3 is made by injection ,1 out of 5 per curetting and in 80% of the cases caused by the women themselves involve harmful consequences;4545 clandestine abortions require care; 33% of the whole of the abortions finish in acentre of health, 14% are allowed at the hospital Yalgado, the suka private clinic ,in the medical centre Saint Camille and Saint Paul VI. 1112 abortions require ahospitalisation per year ;28 women at least die every year in consequence of abortion causes.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


In a village a woman and her two children lived: Raogo and Poko.she loved much her daughter Poko and preferred her with the boy. He was always beaten. Raogo was really unhappy. His sister took pleasure ale of making suffer,his mother thundered it the every day. And he was to do the most painful work. Like meal, one gave him only the remainders. The night, he was to sleep with the animals. However, Raogo was kind and obeying. Inspite of his suffering, he did not say anything and all people of the village admired his courage. One day, while returning from the fields, Raogo sees a viper which tests to enter a house. he takes a stick then and continues the animal to kill it. But he is not fast enough and the viper succeeds in slipping into the trunk of a baobab tree. Raogo do not give up. He plunges his hand in the hollow of tree for to catch. He seeks a little everywhere. Suddenly, he feels something of hard under his fingers. It withdraws his arm of the hole of the tree, and which does see? his hand is full however! Of return to the house, Raogo, very happy tells his adventure to his mother. He shows her his treasure. Poko, which is very jealous, starts to cry:
- Raogo will be richer than me! I need also however, mum. Then, the mother takes however of Raogo and gives it to her daughter while saying:
- Hold! All this gold belongs. And you will still have some.It is now your turn to go to seek some in the hollow of the baobab tree. You will have; has to plunge the hand there, like your brother.
Go ahead quickly! Poko does not wait a minute more. She moves straight towards the baobab tree. As of she arrived, she plunges her two hands in the hole. She starts to seek: nothing! Abruptly, she howls and fall on the ground. Her mother runs at once but it is already too late: the viper bit the hand of the girl and this one died on the blow. Instead of golt it is the poison of the snake that Poko had like reward. Raogo is then very rich. All the inhabitants of the village advise to him to drive out his malicious mother, but Raogo is so kind he prefers to keep it close to him, in the pretty house that he has made build. It has so many qualities! he is shown so generous with all people; after the death of the chief, it is him which is indicated to replace him.











BURKINA FASO is weak income country because of it one is one of country the more pool of world .The farming and the breeding are the main economic activity of country.As for the industry it is so poor


It employ 80% of the active working population and supply 50% product interior brute

The auto-sufficient food ,stay a target to reach for the farming’s Burkinabe .


BURKINA FASO culturals productions are constitute of live cultivation and commercial cultivation or revenue .

These agricultural production vary according the region and the years


Live cultivation are above all for cereals (millet , sorgho) constitute the basis of the Burkinabe diet. Moreover cereal we have tubers (beens, fam) .


The main revenue cultivation of BURKINA are :cotton, groundnut .

Cotton is the first product of export to Burkina and contribute for 35% to PIB. BURKINA FASO is the first African producer with more 700.000tonnes.

Without these main cultivation add us the fruiterer and market garden cultivations.


The farming of BURKINA know so difficult because of prevent to reach auto-sufficient food .these difficulties are of order physical and of order socio-economic.


-the material agricultural is rudimentary

-the lack of major to invest in the farming

-the conflicts between farmers and breeders


We have of offices regional which contribute to improve the production frame of farmers .these farmers take care to popularize the news methods .To support the farmer world ,we have of development rural plan.


The breeding of BURKINA is transhumant and extensive it is a area to potentical strong but it is weakly structure. The products of breeding the cattle particular is the second product export after the cotton.The area of breeding occupy 8% of the population working and contribute to 2% at the PIB.

The breeding practiced so in north for the big cattle but so in center for the little cattle.


It’s so vary introduce: in 2000, the cattle estimate to 4.798.221, the sheep estimate to 6.782.440, the goat 647.290.


The breeding because of is traditonnal character divide few problems with agriculture like the climat problems there is so the lack of organization local of breeding area the lack marketing and transformation local of breeding products.The insufficient of teaching technical of breeders and end the products cost expensive ofor the animals health.


The BURKINA rich by fauna has a capital more plentiful and more vary of the countries neighbouring.The road network of fauna are so important in the eastern with:arly reserve,pana and the supervised and open up December to may.


The resources in water is to 100ha with a capacity of production estimated to 12500tonne of fish and of production real of 7000tonne.BURKINA must import every year 6000tonne of fish came from IVOIRY COAST,MALI, SENEGAL.National production came from dams and water deduction.


The industry Burkinabe remain so poor because it’s little diversify and generally base of the satisfaction of country needs so for transformation primary products.



The country is limited in energetic resource .It don’t possess petroleum or a coal, natural gas because of it is a problem for the area.A big party of energy product is thermal (95%) the rest is provided at the dams hydroelectric.

Since 2001, BURKINA import the electricity with IVOIRY COAST and in 2003 with GHANA by interconnection with the network of these countries.


It can to assemble in renewable raw materials like the gold, the limestone , manganese .


The industry Burkinabe meet some difficulties in spite the many trumps

-the lack water

-the lack of labour quality

-the removal of the sea


Burkina industry is dominated by the industries weak with devote to transformation of product. for instance we have:

the industry food, textile, chemical and copper and shoes


It necessitate some investment unless the industry. It occupy 30% of the working population no-agricultural. The craft is the second to create some jobs after the agriculture.


It give to economy some capitals because of the organization of SIAO. It permit the formation professional for young and keep cultural patrimony, develop the local raw materials.


The problems are many causes the deficit of formation some craft. The insufficient financial of craft. The weakness of the production commercial. The no-respect of delivery time.



BURKINA has many site-tourists, the site of Sabou, site of Laongo, the needle of Sindou, park of Arly,,,


The insecurity grown and bound, the number of tourist. For instance: the case of steal, the lack of road hotel. There is nothing for some planning suitable, the guide are not train and their number are bound.


The agriculture of BURKINA FASO know many difficulties. The illiterate the hunger, the problems of health, lack water pure, lack heavy industry. It suffer so of misdemeanor of the devaluation of franc CFA. The position economic is disastrous by since 1983, the state try to mobilize the national saving to develop the energetic resource national to improve the craft , to develop some plan and programs to development.

Friday, April 17, 2009

La Seconde C2 vous salue!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.