Thursday, May 28, 2009

member of group

Sawadogo s jean lauris
Ouamini Hermann Zoubiese
Tiendrebéogo Pelagie
Zié Marie Richard
Congo Hamidou

Conte: The quarell of the Dog and Cat

At the beginning of everything, Dad dog and Mr. Cat Dog were good friends. They lived in the same case, how good brothers. One day they went to the market, bought a jar of butter, recovered him of salt and whit a clean cloth and white.
Then they were to, in their field, planting yams.
So said cat:
-dad dog, a cousin asked me to be today, godfather of his childl.
-Go, cat, dad dog did, I will work for both of us.
The cat went to the case and discovered the pot of butter, removed salt, ate a piece of butter, recovered the pot and came back.
-What called the godson; asked the dog.
He called Begun.
The dog said: funny name.
The next day, how they worked in the field, Mr cat exclaimed:
-They call me to be godfather to other cousins.
The dog said: Ah!
The cat went.
He still ate butter and returned.
-What is your second godchild?
-Mi - eaten
Funny name, "said dad dog.
The next day in the field, the cat suddenly said:
Oh no. They call me again. This time, I won't go. I don't want to leave you always work.
-What's there? Asked the dog.
-they asked me again to be godfather. But I want to help you. I won't go.
Go-go, sir cat, dad dog said. he must not confuse you with me to your friends.
-The cat went and ate the rest of the butter and returned.
-Well! Dad dog questioned, and this one, how does the call - on.
All-over, said the cat.
Well, said the dog. Meanwhile, I dug yams to eat with our butter.
They came to the case, made of fire, prepared the table. Then Dad dog saw butter jar is empty. M. cat, gently, went the door.
dad dog, not happy, is stopped in front of the door. So Mr. swollen cat back, breathed and hid under the bed.
-Glamor, lazy! said dog angry . I understand why the three godchildren called Begun, Mi-eaten and All-finished. We will settle this matter.
He put his nose under the bed? The cat scratches the dog and said:
Why do you put in this state and to querell a friend for a wicked pot of better that the heat has melted, ask soonner your good friend that goes by dad dog turned his head the cat profited for jump him on his back scratch him on the ears, to pass through the door and climb the tree since that time the dog and cat are became hostile and refuses to reconcile.

Conte: The sacred forest

the people relate that a woman named Baloi, created a garden in a forest where no one should enter.
"how it was the first time since the creation of the world, that it was cultivated, this land prohibited, revealed him an extraordinary fertility, and the field produced in abundance, but would not Baloi harvest.
Some days, Tiémoko, her husband, who received foreign trade and land condimento is missing from the village, Baloi found more advantageous to use the products of field. She ordered to one of the servants to go pick a basket of okra.In all haste, Sarran, , went to the field, but as soon as it reaches out okra got to sing.
Charmed by a song as melodic sense that the young Sarran no more thought to picking the condiment or go home. On the contrary, it danced around the plant.
how the first servant was slow to return, Baloi appoints another. It found Sarran silent, turning and gesturing around the okra plant. Because it 's not heard the song - because it was a song of enchantment - it thougth natural that hiscorade amused her instead to doing what the master ordered. So without care for her, she deep directly on the plant, but just at that moment she heard the mysterious voice, seduices under the spell, she began to dance in cadence with Sarran.
A third and a fourth and a fifth sent home as a result of Sarran were included in the same conditions. So Baloi, nervous, went herself to the field with a long whip with intent determination to apply its servants deserved correction that merited their recklessness. When she saw them dancing in circles around plant of okra, she cried them on a tone of anger:
"I said you to do it quickly, because foreigners have hungry, and you are dancing here." But as soon as she reaches the hand about a big okra, she heard the song, and taken under the same charm as she began to dance in circles in the wake of his servants.
Intrigued by the prolonged absence of his wife and servants, Tiémoko Baloi's husband, warned the chief of land and the notables. We beat the drum of war and all that the village consisted of men went in search of the unfortunate. It was not long to find them in the sacred forest, a arm stretched and dancing in cadence . Suddenly, the song of okra became visible to all who were there.
Seeing this, the chief of land, the priest agrarian deities said: "Our fathers gave us this sacred forest that we must pass on intact to our children. For have profaning the place Baloi is held prisoner here".
The chief of land spray with the special couter,the woman and her servant, and on the spot they were removed from the magical influence of sacred wood. That's why with us, it is forbidden to grow in a sacred forest.

1 comment:

  1. - Sources of the tale not mentioned
    - Robot translation: result is hardly comprehensible
    - Instructions not taken into account.

    MARK: 10/20
